Invisible contracts
Invisible contracts

invisible contracts

Words written in ALL CAPS are italicized in the original text. Italics are normally used to call attention to something, and in the format of ASCII, the only reasonable way to accomplish an equivalent is to type the word or words in ALL CAPS. Apologies are given for the inherent IN YOUR FACE nature of words that appear in all caps, but there simply is no other way to replicate italics in an ASCII format. (In comparison, italics on the printed page attract your attention in a low-key, but noticeable manner).

invisible contracts

Condo rejected the letter and subsequently lost his case, not wanting to entertain the idea, for even a moment, that perhaps the King did in fact have Equity Jurisdiction Attachment on Condo (which he most certainly did), and that perhaps the real error resided with Condo and not "over there" with the King. Mercier in connection and in response to a letter Mercier wrote to Armen Condo, the founder of a major tax protestor group (in the 1980's, now defunct) called "Your Heritage Protection Association." In that original letter, Mercier was attempting to present a correct description of the error that Armen Condo was committing in his case against the Feds. INVISIBLE CONTRACTS is actually a 745-letter in book form. The "letter" is addressed to a "Mr. INVISIBLE CONTRACTS was privately published and privately circulated beginning in early 1986. It is not copyrighted and the author has given EXPRESS and EXPLICIT permission to those who first purchased the book to distribute the book in any format they choose, without compensation to the author.

Invisible contracts